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Goat Forms & Information

This INDIVIDUAL GOAT FORM is used to keep track of all the kids that a doe has produced thru her lifetime.  It is a good form to use for registered goats as well as any non-registered goat.

If the kid is sold, I write an S by its I.D.

If it dies, I write a D by its I.D.

If it is kept in our herd, I circle its I.D.

This makes it easy to see if this is a doe that you continuous keep kids out of or if the kids die or are sold.

The GOAT I.D. is the color of the tag plus its number.  For example if a doe has a RED TAG with #23 on it, her I.D. is R23.

This GOAT KIDDING RECORD is what we use when kids are being born and tagged. If kids get weighed, I write the weights beside their I.D. numbers.   We keep these GOAT KIDDING RECORDS in a notebook and can refer back to this form as needed to see who a kid belongs to.  It also comes in handy when registering our kids.



100a group kidding record.jpg


We use this form when we bring the kids in to wean.  We usually have 3 groups of does kid out in different seasons during the year, so depending on which group we wean is the GROUP #.   Average age is 3 months, but will vary due to 45-60 day buck exposure.  The DATE is the date we pull the kids to wean them.   Due to the number of kids we wean, this also serves as an inventory of live kids weaned and is compared to birthing records.  If a doe births twins and doesn't wean twins then culling her might be considered. 

" WEANING WEIGHT" is the weight taken on the day of weaning.  Adjusted weights are figured at a later date when there is more time to add DATE OF BIRTH and the BIRTH WEIGHT from the kidding record.  The new adjusted weaning weight can be written in the same WEANING WEIGHT box.  See below on how to figure adjusted weights.    "CD/T" - is checked with an X when shots are given at weaning and each time after with added dates.  "WORMER" box-write what wormer is used.   "FEET" box-put a check if ok, RF if right front needs trimming, RR right rear, LF for left front, LR for left rear, or ALL.   You can refer back to this if there is a problem later.  Any kids kept up to a year can be weighed and recorded on this form also.   Additional information such as SOLD, AMOUNT SOLD FOR, etc can be put in the "OTHER" column.


1.   Weaning Weights are usually adjusted to 90 days of age, but could also be adjusted to 60 or 120 days of age.

2.   Subtract the Birth Weight from the Weaning Weight.  This is the weight gained.

3.   Divide by the age of the kid (in days) when it was weighed.  This is the average daily gain.

4.   Multiply the average daily gain by the weaning age you are adjusting to (usually 90 days).

5.   Add the birth weight.

Estimated 90-day weight = (((weaning weight - birth weight) / age at weaning) x 90) + birth weight.


Victor Golden Valley Farms
Savanna Goats & Beefmaster Cattle

Matthew & Julie Victor

Salem, Missouri

ph:  573-729-5575 / 573-247-1624 (cell)


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